But don’t worry, as installing a freeware program called UXthemePatcher you can install any custom theme on Windows 8. Windows 8 doesn’t provide you the option to install any other custom theme created by users. The only problem with Windows 8 is that apart from few themes Microsoft’s doesn’t have cool themes under its hood. Note: As lots of themes are from untrusted sources which contain malware in them so themes advisable to download theme from trusted sites. Like this there are some other popular websites from where you can grab a cool theme for your desktop. Normally this process takes lots of time if you wonder to do that manually, but you can download custom windows, 8 themes from deviantart where lots of talented artists upload their work. Windows 8 is one of the current release of the operating system from Microsoft’s which has lots of amazing features and one out of them is a customization feature using which you can change the overall look of your desktop.
what the best Windows 8 Theme is. And if you’re looking for some best themes for Windows 8 in 2014 to transform your desktop, then we’re sure that you will definitely love to check this opinion piece cover by us. In today’s article we’re intending to share with your answer to question i.e.